Child Custody & Visitation
Protecting the child’s wellbeing is perhaps the most emotional and highly litigated area of any divorce. In many cases, couples arrive at agreeable terms in an amicable manner. When that isn’t possible, our attorneys are ready to help you explore other options, including mediation, collaboration, or litigation.
In addition to providing you with one of the most respected family law teams in the State of Texas, we also work hard to minimize the emotional and mental stress on you and your child. Our staff is prepared to handle the paperwork, court filings, and other details so you can focus on your daily activities and be there for your child. Our in-house licensed counselor is readily available to help when trauma and uncertainties arise.
We want what’s best for you and your child
Whatever path you choose, we're here to help you navigate through this emotionally difficult journey. We’re ready to answer any questions you may have about your rights as a parent, including:
- Where will the child live?
- Should you file for sole, primary or shared custody?
- What role does a child’s preference play in deciding custody?
- How will parenting time or possession of the child be shared between the parents?
- Who will pay child support and the child’s expenses, and how will the amount be decided?
- How will major decisions that affect the child, such as education and medical treatment, be made?
- What rights will you have regarding to relocating to other cities or states?
At KoonsFuller, we take decisions that impact your children very seriously. We’re ready to work aggressively to protect your rights and access. If you have questions regarding custody, or are interested in modifying an existing custody agreement, contact us to arrange a no-obligation consultation.